26 research outputs found

    Knowledge-enhanced Iterative Instruction Generation and Reasoning for Knowledge Base Question Answering

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    Multi-hop Knowledge Base Question Answering(KBQA) aims to find the answer entity in a knowledge base which is several hops from the topic entity mentioned in the question. Existing Retrieval-based approaches first generate instructions from the question and then use them to guide the multi-hop reasoning on the knowledge graph. As the instructions are fixed during the whole reasoning procedure and the knowledge graph is not considered in instruction generation, the model cannot revise its mistake once it predicts an intermediate entity incorrectly. To handle this, we propose KBIGER(Knowledge Base Iterative Instruction GEnerating and Reasoning), a novel and efficient approach to generate the instructions dynamically with the help of reasoning graph. Instead of generating all the instructions before reasoning, we take the (k-1)-th reasoning graph into consideration to build the k-th instruction. In this way, the model could check the prediction from the graph and generate new instructions to revise the incorrect prediction of intermediate entities. We do experiments on two multi-hop KBQA benchmarks and outperform the existing approaches, becoming the new-state-of-the-art. Further experiments show our method does detect the incorrect prediction of intermediate entities and has the ability to revise such errors.Comment: Accepted by NLPCC 2022(oral

    Pop Quiz! Do Pre-trained Code Models Possess Knowledge of Correct API Names?

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    Recent breakthroughs in pre-trained code models, such as CodeBERT and Codex, have shown their superior performance in various downstream tasks. The correctness and unambiguity of API usage among these code models are crucial for achieving desirable program functionalities, requiring them to learn various API fully qualified names structurally and semantically. Recent studies reveal that even state-of-the-art pre-trained code models struggle with suggesting the correct APIs during code generation. However, the reasons for such poor API usage performance are barely investigated. To address this challenge, we propose using knowledge probing as a means of interpreting code models, which uses cloze-style tests to measure the knowledge stored in models. Our comprehensive study examines a code model's capability of understanding API fully qualified names from two different perspectives: API call and API import. Specifically, we reveal that current code models struggle with understanding API names, with pre-training strategies significantly affecting the quality of API name learning. We demonstrate that natural language context can assist code models in locating Python API names and generalize Python API name knowledge to unseen data. Our findings provide insights into the limitations and capabilities of current pre-trained code models, and suggest that incorporating API structure into the pre-training process can improve automated API usage and code representations. This work provides significance for advancing code intelligence practices and direction for future studies. All experiment results, data and source code used in this work are available at \url{https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.7902072}

    EVD Surgical Guidance with Retro-Reflective Tool Tracking and Spatial Reconstruction using Head-Mounted Augmented Reality Device

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    Augmented Reality (AR) has been used to facilitate surgical guidance during External Ventricular Drain (EVD) surgery, reducing the risks of misplacement in manual operations. During this procedure, the pivotal challenge is the accurate estimation of spatial relationship between pre-operative images and actual patient anatomy in AR environment. In this research, we propose a novel framework utilizing Time of Flight (ToF) depth sensors integrated in commercially available AR Head Mounted Devices (HMD) for precise EVD surgical guidance. As previous studies have proven depth errors for ToF sensors, we first conducted a comprehensive assessment for the properties of this error on AR-HMDs. Subsequently, a depth error model and patient-specific model parameter identification method, is introduced for accurate surface information. After that, a tracking procedure combining retro-reflective markers and point clouds is proposed for accurate head tracking, where head surface is reconstructed using ToF sensor data for spatial registration, avoiding fixing tracking targets rigidly on the patient's cranium. Firstly, 7.580±1.488mm7.580\pm 1.488 mm ToF sensor depth value error was revealed on human skin, indicating the significance of depth correction. Our results showed that the ToF sensor depth error was reduced by over 85%85\% using proposed depth correction method on head phantoms in different materials. Meanwhile, the head surface reconstructed with corrected depth data achieved sub-millimeter accuracy. Experiment on a sheep head revealed 0.79mm0.79 mm reconstruction error. Furthermore, a user study was conducted for the performance of proposed framework in simulated EVD surgery, where 5 surgeons performed 9 k-wire injections on a head phantom with virtual guidance. Results of this study revealed 2.09±0.16mm2.09 \pm 0.16 mm translational accuracy and 2.97±0.912.97\pm 0.91 ^\circ orientational accuracy

    Biallelic GRM7 variants cause epilepsy, microcephaly, and cerebral atrophy

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    Objective: Defects in ion channels and neurotransmitter receptors are implicated in developmental and epileptic encephalopathy (DEE). Metabotropic glutamate receptor 7 (mGluR7), encoded by GRM7, is a presynaptic G-protein-coupled glutamate receptor critical for synaptic transmission. We previously proposed GRM7 as a candidate disease gene in two families with neurodevelopmental disorders (NDDs). One additional family has been published since. Here, we describe three additional families with GRM7 biallelic variants and deeply characterize the associated clinical neurological and electrophysiological phenotype and molecular data in 11 affected individuals from six unrelated families. Methods: Exome sequencing and family-based rare variant analyses on a cohort of 220 consanguineous families with NDDs revealed three families with GRM7 biallelic variants; three additional families were identified through literature search and collaboration with a clinical molecular laboratory. Results: We compared the observed clinical features and variants of 11 affected individuals from the six unrelated families. Identified novel deleterious variants included two homozygous missense variants (c.2671G>A:p.Glu891Lys and c.1973G>A:p.Arg685Gln) and one homozygous stop-gain variant (c.1975C>T:p.Arg659Ter). Developmental delay, neonatal- or infantile-onset epilepsy, and microcephaly were universal. Three individuals had hypothalamic–pituitary–axis dysfunction without pituitary structural abnormality. Neuroimaging showed cerebral atrophy and hypomyelination in a majority of cases. Two siblings demonstrated progressive loss of myelination by 2 years in both and an acquired microcephaly pattern in one. Five individuals died in early or late childhood. Conclusion: Detailed clinical characterization of 11 individuals from six unrelated families demonstrates that rare biallelic GRM7 pathogenic variants can cause DEEs, microcephaly, hypomyelination, and cerebral atrophy. © 2020 The Authors. Annals of Clinical and Translational Neurology published by Wiley Periodicals, Inc on behalf of American Neurological Association

    Exponential growth, high prevalence of SARS-CoV-2, and vaccine effectiveness associated with the Delta variant

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    SARS-CoV-2 infections were rising during early summer 2021 in many countries associated with the Delta variant. We assessed RT-PCR swab-positivity in the REal-time Assessment of Community Transmission-1 (REACT-1) study in England. We observed sustained exponential growth with average doubling time (June-July 2021) of 25 days driven by complete replacement of Alpha variant by Delta, and by high prevalence at younger less-vaccinated ages. Unvaccinated people were three times more likely than double-vaccinated people to test positive. However, after adjusting for age and other variables, vaccine effectiveness for double-vaccinated people was estimated at between ~50% and ~60% during this period in England. Increased social mixing in the presence of Delta had the potential to generate sustained growth in infections, even at high levels of vaccination

    Before going into the dance studio : essential knowledge of Play Music for Modern Dance

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    The study of music for modern dance occupied a large proportion of my bachelor’s study in the Turku University of Applied Sciences. Starting in the end of 2012, I participated in a number of modern dance courses in which I played music for the dancers. During this period of study, I noticed that music and dance have a deep connection. It seems that this connection is not much emphasized in our study of music. In my study, I also realized that music for dance is a field of study itself. A music student who wants to go to the dance studio and play music for the dancers needs a good amount of preparation. If the musician is not well prepared he or she might not be helpful for the dancers, but actually make them feel helpless on the stage at some point. So the musician needs to prepare beforehand. In this thesis, my focus is on the modern dance era for these reasons: First, it is the era that I have studied most in the context of participating in the courses. Second, compared to traditional folk dance or classic theatrical dance, modern dance accepts different unusual sounds. The music for modern dance is not as formalized or disciplined - even though such music could also be chosen for it. This being the case, choosing music for modern dance to study is also relatively easier for a musician playing music for the dance class. Third, modern dance is the era that is full of unique and original inventions which is also true for music played for modern dance. This is the point which attracts me the most that I could improvise interesting music for modern dance. After taking part in several modern dance courses and workshops, I realized that preparing myself with prior knowledge played a very important role enabling me to actually play music for the workshops. There is a lot of information which needs to be learned by the music student if he or she wants to play music for modern dance. I conducted some research, collected and organized some background information, which includes obligatory knowledge of dance as well as music for dance, to help someone eager to learn more about this subject. This thesis is the result of that work. There are seven main parts in this thesis: 1. Introduction; 2. Elements of Dance; 3. Elements of Music; 4. History of Music for Dance; 5. Essential Knowledge of Modern Dance; 6. Modern Dance Techniques, 7. Suggestions for a Musician Starting to Play in the Modern Dance Class After the introduction, the second and third chapter respectively introduce elements of dance and music. These two chapters sort out the basic concepts in the fields of dance and music. The forth chapter presents the history of music for dance and together with a short presentation of dance history. The time span extends from the ancient Greece and Rome until the twentieth century. However, it is in brief. The fifth chapter concentrates on modern dance. In this chapter, there is a table introducing some modern dance terminology. All the terms from it are specific and definitely should be introduced for those who do not have a background in dance. The fifth chapter is essentially about the American modern dance. Since during the 20th century, North America has been the key area of modern dance. Dance systems and techniques developed there have influenced generations of modern artists. In this chapter I intend to give a brief outline of them. In the last chapter I offer some practical suggestions based on my experience playing music in the dance studio. I hope that the music student preparing to play for modern dance will find my thesis useful for his or her preparation.Modernin tanssin musiikin opiskelu käsitti ison osan opintojani Turun ammattikorkeakoulussa. Vuoden 2012 lopusta alkaen osallistuin lukuisille modernin tanssin kursseille, joissa soitin taustamusiikkia tanssijoille. Periodin aikana huomasin, että tanssilla ja musiikilla on syvä yhteys. Vaikuttaa siltä, ettei tätä yhteyttä paljoakaan korosteta musiikin opinnoissamme. Opintojeni aikana huomasin myös, että tanssimusiikki on täysin oma opiskeltava aihealueensa. Musiikin opiskelija, joka tahtoo mennä tanssistudioon soittamaan musiikkia tanssijoille tarvitsee paljon valmistautumista. Jos muusikko ei ole valmistautunut tarpeeksi hyvin, hän ei osaa olla avuksi tanssijoille vaan on heille enemmänkin haitaksi. Muusikon tarvitsee siis valmistautua etukäteen. Opinnäytetyössäni keskityn moderniin tanssiin seuraavista syistä: Ensinnäkin, tätä aikakautta olen opiskellut eniten tanssimusiikin saralla. Toiseksi verrattain perinteiseen kansan- ja teatteritanssiin, moderni tanssi hyväksyy erilaisia epätavallisia soundeja. Modernin tanssin musiikkia ei ole virallistettu tai järjestelty, vaikka perinteisempääkin musiikkia voidaan käyttää siinä. Tästä syystä modernin tanssin musiikin opiskeleminen on hivenen helpompaa muusikolle, joka soittaa tanssitunneilla. Kolmanneksi modernin tanssin aikakausi on täynnä uusia ja uniikkeja ideoita, mikä toteutuu myös modernin tanssin musiikissa. Itseäni miellytti eniten juuri se, että sain improvisoida mielenkiintoista musiikkia tanssijoille. Osallistuttuani modernin tanssin tunneille ja workshoppeihin, tajusin, että valmistautuminen ja tiedon kerääminen oli erittäin tärkeää, että pystyisin soittamaan kurseilla. On paljon tietoa, jota musiikin opiskelijan pitää oppia, mikäli haluaa toimia soittajana tanssijoille.Tein tutkimustyötä, keräsin ja järjestelin taustatietoa, joka sisältää pakollista tietoa tanssista ja musiikista, auttaakseni niitä innokkaita, jotka haluavat oppia enemmän tästä alasta. Tämä opinnäytetyöni syntyi työni tuloksena. Opinnäytetyöni jakautuu seitsemään osaan: 1. Johdanto, 2. Tanssin elementit, 3. Musiikin elementit, 4. Tanssimusiikin historia, 5. Keskeistä tietoa modernista tanssista, 6. Modernin tanssin tekniikat ja 7. Ehdotuksia muusikoilla, jotka aloittavat modernin tanssin tunneilla. Johdannon jälkeen toinen ja kolmas luku käsittelevät musiikin ja tanssin elementtejä. Nämä kaksi kappaletta selventävät tanssi- ja musiikkialan peruskäsitteistöä . Neljännessä luvussa esittellään tanssimusiikin ja tanssin historiaa lyhyesti antiikin Kreikan ajoilta aivan nykypäivään asti. Viides luku keskittyy moderniin tanssiin. Tässä luvussa taulukoin hieman tanssin perustermejä. Kaikki termit ovat erityisiä ja ne tulisi esitellä niille, joilla ei ole tanssitaustaa. Viides luku kertoo pääosin amarikkalaisesta modernista tanssista, sillä 2000-luvulta lähtien Pohjois-Amerikka on ollut keskeisintä aluetta modernille tanssille. Siellä kehitellyt tanssitekniikat ovat vaikuttaneet useisiin modernin tanssin sukupolviin. Kuudennessa luvussa esittelen näitä tekniikoita lyhyesti. Viimeisessä luvussa tarjoan joitain käytännöllisiä ohjeita tanssimusiikin soittamiseen oman kokemukseni pohjalta. Toivon, että työni on hyödyllinen musiikinopiskelijoille, jotka valmistautuvat soittamaan modernia tanssimusiikkia

    FEPVNet: A Network with Adaptive Strategies for Cross-Scale Mapping of Photovoltaic Panels from Multi-Source Images

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    The world is transitioning to renewable energy, with photovoltaic (PV) solar power being one of the most promising energy sources. Large-scale PV mapping provides the most up-to-date and accurate PV geospatial information, which is crucial for planning and constructing PV power plants, optimizing energy structure, and assessing the ecological impact of PVs. However, previous methods of PV extraction relied on simple models and single data sources, which could not accurately obtain PV geospatial information. Therefore, we propose the Filter-Embedded Network (FEPVNet), which embeds high-pass and low-pass filters and Polarized Self-Attention (PSA) into a High-Resolution Network (HRNet) to improve its noise resistance and adaptive feature extraction capabilities, ultimately enhancing the accuracy of PV extraction. We also introduce three data migration strategies by combining Sentinel-2, Google-14, and Google-16 images in varying proportions and transferring the FEPVNet trained on Sentinel-2 images to Gaofen-2 images, which improves the generalization performance of models trained on a single data source for extracting PVs in images of different scales. Our model improvement experiments demonstrate that the Intersection over Union (IoU) of FEPVNet in segmenting China PVs in Sentinel-2 images reaches 88.68%, a 2.37% increase compared to the HRNet. Furthermore, we use FEPVNet and the optimal migration strategy to extract photovoltaics across scales, achieving a precision of 94.37%. In summary, this study proposes the FEPVNet model with adaptive strategies for extracting PVs from multiple image sources, with significant potential for application in large-scale PV mapping

    Evaluation of Light Pollution in Global Protected Areas from 1992 to 2018

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    Light pollution, a phenomenon in which artificial nighttime light (NTL) changes the form of brightness and darkness in natural areas such as protected areas (PAs), has become a global concern due to its threat to global biodiversity. With ongoing global urbanization and climate change, the light pollution status in global PAs deserves attention for mitigation and adaptation. In this study, we developed a framework to evaluate the light pollution status in global PAs, using the global NTL time series data. First, we classified global PAs (30,624) into three pollution categories: non-polluted (5974), continuously polluted (8141), and discontinuously polluted (16,509), according to the time of occurrence of lit pixels in/around PAs from 1992 to 2018. Then, we explored the NTL intensity (e.g., digital numbers) and its trend in those polluted PAs and identified those hotspots of PAs at the global scale with consideration of global urbanization. Our study shows that global light pollution is mainly distributed within the range of 30°N and 60°N, including Europe, north America, and East Asia. Although the temporal trend of NTL intensity in global PAs is increasing, Japan and the United States of America (USA) have opposite trends due to the implementation of well-planned ecological conservation policies and declining population growth. For most polluted PAs, the lit pixels are close to their boundaries (i.e., less than 10 km), and the NTL in/around these lit areas has become stronger over the past decades. The identified hotspots of PAs (e.g., Europe, the USA, and East Asia) help support decisions on global biodiversity conservation, particularly with global urbanization and climate change

    Direct Z-Scheme Heterojunction of Semicoherent FAPbBr(3)/Bi2WO6 Interface for Photoredox Reaction with Large Driving Force

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    Metal halide perovskites with direct band gap and strong light absorption are promising materials for harvesting solar energy; however, their relatively narrow band gap limits their redox ability when used as a photocatalyst. Adding a second semiconductor component with the appropriate band structure offsets can generate a Z-scheme photocatalytic system, taking full advantage of the perovskite's intrinsic properties. In this work, we develop a direct Z-scheme photocatalyst based on formamidinium lead bromide and bismuth tungstate (FAPbBr3/Bi2WO6) with strong redox ability for artificial solar-to-chemical energy conversion. With desirable band offsets and strong joint redox potential, the dual photocatalyst is shown to form a semicoherent heterointerface. Ultrafast transient infrared absorption studies employing selective excitation reveal synergetic photocarrier dynamics and demonstrate Z-scheme charge transfer mechanisms. Under simulated solar irradiation, a large driving force photoredox reaction (∼2.57 eV) of CO2 reduction coupled with benzyl alcohol oxidation to benzaldehyde is achieved on the Z-scheme FAPbBr3/Bi2WO6 photocatalyst, harnessing the full synergetic potential of the combined system.status: publishe

    Biallelic missense variants in COG3 cause a congenital disorder of glycosylation with impairment of retrograde vesicular trafficking

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    iallelic variants in genes for seven out of eight subunits of the conserved oligomeric Golgi complex (COG) are known to cause recessive congenital disorders of glycosylation (CDG) with variable clinical manifestations. COG3 encodes a constituent subunit of the COG complex that has not been associated with disease traits in humans. Herein, we report two COG3 homozygous missense variants in four individuals from two unrelated consanguineous families that co-segregated with COG3-CDG presentations. Clinical phenotypes of affected individuals include global developmental delay, severe intellectual disability, microcephaly, epilepsy, facial dysmorphism, and variable neurological findings. Biochemical analysis of serum transferrin from one family showed the loss of a single sialic acid. Western blotting on patient-derived fibroblasts revealed reduced COG3 and COG4. Further experiments showed delayed retrograde vesicular recycling in patient cells. This report adds to the knowledge of the COG-CDG network by providing collective evidence for a COG3-CDG rare disease trait and implicating a likely pathology of the disorder as the perturbation of Golgi traffickin